The Wataniya Insurance Company announces the opening of nominations for membership of the Board of Directors for the next session, for a period of three years starting from the date of Shaaban 21, 1440 AH, Umm Al-Qura calendar, corresponding to April 26, 2019 G, and ending on Ramadan 24, 1443 AH, corresponding to April 25. 2022 Note that nominations for membership will remain open for one month, starting from Thursday, 23 Safar 1440 AH, corresponding to 01 November 2018 AD, until 22 Rabi’ al-Awwal 1440 AH, corresponding to 30 November 2018 AD.
Anyone who finds in himself the ability, competence, and experience necessary for the position and wishes to be nominated must submit a nomination letter to the Governance Department, to the attention of the Secretary of the Board of Directors, provided that all controls and requirements stipulated in the Companies Law and the regulations of the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency and the Capital Market Authority are met, in addition to what is stated in the “Standards.” Selection of members of the Board of Directors – attached – under the following controls:
- To be a shareholder in the Wataniya Insurance Company or a representative of the company’s shareholders.
- Must not have been previously convicted of legal punishment or an act prejudicial to honor and trustworthiness.
- Must not be a member of the board of directors of more than (5) five joint stock companies at once.
- Must not be a member of the board of directors of any other local insurance and/or reinsurance company or in one of the committees emanating from its board of directors and must not be an occupant of a leadership position in any of them.
- Not to carry out any competing business in any of the branches of the activity practiced by the company, whether direct or indirect.
The applicant must attach the following with his application:
- An updated CV, including all personal data, experiences, and qualifications.
- A clear copy of the Wataniya ID card, family card, and passport for Saudis, and a clear copy of the passport, residence permit, and visa – as available – for non-Saudis
- All nomination forms issued by the Monetary Agency and the Capital Market Authority.
- Fill out the Capital Market Authority’s Form No. (3), which can be obtained from the Authority’s website at the following link: https://cma.org.sa/RulesRegulations/FormsSite/Pages/default.aspx.
- Fill out the “Suitability Form” issued by the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency, which can be obtained from the institution’s website at the following link: http://www.sama.gov.sa/ar-sa/Insurance/Pages/Forms.aspx
Nomination applications should be sent, with all of the above attached, as the case may be, to the following email: g.junaid@wataniya.com.sa
Or handed over to the Governance Department for the attention of the Secretary of the Board of Directors at the company’s headquarters at the following address: P.O. 5832 Jeddah 21432
National address: Wataniya Insurance Company Unit No. (4), 8530
Medina Branch Road, Al-Andalus, Jeddah, Zip Code:
Box 23325, additional number: 4321, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The members of the Board of Directors will be elected during a meeting of the general assembly of the company’s shareholders, which will be held, by Allah’s willing, on a date to be determined later, after obtaining the necessary approvals from the competent authorities, the meeting will be announced in due course.